Wednesday, February 27, 2013

10 Types of Traditional Control Techniques

The ten types of traditional techniques of controlling are discussed below :-

1. Direct Supervision and Observation

'Direct Supervision and Observation' is the oldest technique of controlling. The supervisor himself observes the employees and their work. This brings him in direct contact with the workers. So, many problems are solved during supervision. The supervisor gets first hand information, and he has better understanding with the workers. This technique is most suitable for a small-sized business.
Control Techniques of Controlling

2. Financial Statements

All business organisations prepare Profit and Loss Account. It gives a summary of the income and expenses for a specified period. They also prepare Balance Sheet, which shows the financial position of the organisation at the end of the specified period. Financial statements are used to control the organisation. The figures of the current year can be compared with the previous year's figures. They can also be compared with the figures of other similar organisations.
Ratio analysis can be used to find out and analyse the financial statements. Ratio analysis helps to understand the profitability, liquidity and solvency position of the business.

3. Budgetary Control

A budget is a planning and controlling device. Budgetary control is a technique of managerial control through budgets. It is the essence of financial control. Budgetary control is done for all aspects of a business such as income, expenditure, production, capital and revenue. Budgetary control is done by the budget committee.

4. Break Even Analysis

Break Even Analysis or Break Even Point is the point of no profit, no loss. For e.g. When an organisation sells 50K cars it will break even. It means that, any sale below this point will cause losses and any sale above this point will earn profits. The Break-even analysis acts as a control device. It helps to find out the company's performance. So the company can take collective action to improve its performance in the future. Break-even analysis is a simple control tool.

5. Return on Investment (ROI)

Investment consists of fixed assets and working capital used in business. Profit on the investment is a reward for risk taking. If the ROI is high then the financial performance of a business is good and vice-versa.
ROI is a tool to improve financial performance. It helps the business to compare its present performance with that of previous years' performance. It helps to conduct inter-firm comparisons. It also shows the areas where corrective actions are needed.

6. Management by Objectives (MBO)

MBO facilitates planning and control. It must fulfill following requirements :-
  1. Objectives for individuals are jointly fixed by the superior and the subordinate.
  2. Periodic evaluation and regular feedback to evaluate individual performance.
  3. Achievement of objectives brings rewards to individuals.

7. Management Audit

Management Audit is an evaluation of the management as a whole. It critically examines the full management process, i.e. planning, organising, directing, and controlling. It finds out the efficiency of the management. To check the efficiency of the management, the company's plans, objectives, policies, procedures, personnel relations and systems of control are examined very carefully. Management auditing is conducted by a team of experts. They collect data from past records, members of management, clients and employees. The data is analysed and conclusions are drawn about managerial performance and efficiency.

8. Management Information System (MIS)

In order to control the organisation properly the management needs accurate information. They need information about the internal working of the organisation and also about the external environment. Information is collected continuously to identify problems and find out solutions. MIS collects data, processes it and provides it to the managers. MIS may be manual or computerised. With MIS, managers can delegate authority to subordinates without losing control.

9. PERT and CPM Techniques

Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) techniques were developed in USA in the late 50's. Any programme consists of various activities and sub-activities. Successful completion of any activity depends upon doing the work in a given sequence and in a given time.
Importance is given to identifying the critical activities. Critical activities are those which have to be completed on time otherwise the full project will be delayed.
So, in these techniques, the job is divided into various activities / sub-activities. From these activities, the critical activities are identified. More importance is given to completion of these critical activities. So, by controlling the time of the critical activities, the total time and cost of the job are minimised.

10. Self-Control

Self-Control means self-directed control. A person is given freedom to set his own targets, evaluate his own performance and take corrective measures as and when required. Self-control is especially required for top level managers because they do not like external control.
The subordinates must be encouraged to use self-control because it is not good for the superior to control each and everything. However, self-control does not mean no control by the superiors. The superiors must control the important activities of the subordinates.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Seven C’s Effective Communication

The seven C’s Effective Communication

After planning steps in communicating the message have been complete we have to consider specific writing principles to help us choose right words syntax and sentences for our letter report memonorandums etc.

1. Correctness

2. Conciseness

3. Clarity

4. Completeness

5. Concreteness

6. Consideration

7. Courtesy

1. Correctness:-

To be correct in communication the following principles should be borne in mind.

1. Use the correct level of language

2. Include only facts words and figures

3. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

4. Apply the following qualities

5. There should be proper grammar punctuation spelling and paragraphing

2. Conciseness:-

Business exectives are dead-busy. They don’t have time to go through unnecessarily lengthy messages. The writer is also a loser if he writes wordy messages because it involves more time and money to type and read. Conciseness makes the message more understandable and comprehensible

1. Eliminate wordy Expressions.

2. Include only relevant material.

3. Avoided unnecessary Repetition.

3. Clarity:-

Clarity demands that the business message should be correct concise complete concrete and with consideration

1. Use the right level of language

2. Proper punctuation make the writing clear

3. Check Accurey of fact figure & Words

4. Completeness:-

The message should be complete to bring desirable results. It should include everything the reader needs for the reaction you desire. You must know what information our reader wants or needs You should be able to know the reader’s background viewpoint needs attitudes and emotions.

1. Provide all necessary information.

2. Answer all questions asked.

3. Give something Extra, when Desirable.

5. Concreteness:-

The business writing should be specific definite unambiguous and vivid rather than vague and general the following guidelines lead to concreteness.

1. Use specific facts and figures

2. Put action in your verb

3. Choose vivid image building words.

6. Consideration:-

Consideration refers to you attitude sympathy the human touch and understanding of human nature. Consideration means the message with the receiver in mind. You should try to visualize your readers their desires problems emotions circumstances and possible reaction to your request.

1. Focus on you instead I & We

2. Show reader benefit or interest in reader

3. Emphasize

7. Courtesy:-

Courtesy is more important and advantageous in business writing than it is in face to face communication or conversation. Courteous message strengthen present relations and make new friends. It is a goodwill building.

1. Answer your mail promptly

2. Be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative

3. Use expressions that show respect

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Poverty it's Types and Causes

The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.
Poverty refers to the condition of not having the means to afford basic human needs such as clean water, nutratition, health care, clothing and shelter.

Types of Poverty:
There are two major types of poverty

Absolute Poverty
Relative Poverty

Absolute Poverty:

A level of poverty when only the minimum levels of food, clothing and shelter can be met.

Relative Poverty:

Relative poverty or inequality refers to the position of an individual or household in relation to the average income and or expenditure.

There are seven poverties that are affecting to the people :

1. Economic Poverty: Lack of food, clothing and shelter.

2. Bodily Poverty: Lack of health and hygiene, malnutrition.

3. Mental Poverty: Lack of thinking and education.

4. Cultural Poverty: Lack of cultural activities and practices.

5. Spiritual Poverty: Lack of mental peace and feeling of brotherhood.

6. Political poverty: Not casting one's vote, lack of development.

7. Social Poverty: Lack of unity and neighborliness.

There are the many causes of poverty which affect to the peoples. Here we will talk about the four causes of poverty which play a vital role to create the poverty.

Ø Over Population
Ø Disease
Ø Inadequate Education
Ø Dependency

1. Over Population:
Overpopulation is term that refers to a condition in which the density enlarges to a limit that provokes the environmental deterioration, a drop in the quality of life, or a population collapse. Overpopulation is a major cause of poverty if we try to observe we will find that the poor families have a large number of populations which become the cause of poverty because they have scare resources. Scarcity of food, scarcity of cloths, Scarcity of shelter is the major causes of poverty overpopulation become the cause of unequal distribution.

2. Disease:
A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. It is the biological cause of disease but we will find that overpopulation is the cause of disease because when the large number of peoples live in a house it is trouble to safe from the disease. Disease create also poverty or it is also the root cause of poverty when the one person of any family will ill he will go to the doctor for take medicine he will be pay to take medicine it will affect their income and that disease can also spread into other family members.

3. Inadequate education:
Inadequate education is also create the poverty because the peoples will have not the education how they can fight with poverty how they can safe with scarcity how they can control inequality the lack of education become the cause of disease, overpopulation and these both thing create the poverty.

4. Dependency:
The condition in which a society is only able to develop, in part or in full, by a reliance on another nation for income, aid, political protection, or control.
When a person or group of peoples is totally dependent (economically) on the other person and a they don’t try to work or don’t use their skills to generate the income this condition is create trouble or become the cause of poverty.